How tO uSe Bixby Vision?



Bixby Vision | 手機應用程式與服務| 三星電子香港

Bixby Vision 查看手機鏡頭畫面,以在需要時提供協助。只要點按取景器中的Bixby Vision 圖標,即可翻譯、擷取文本、搜尋類似圖像及資訊.

App for Bixby for Family Hub

評分 4.4 (2,324) · 免費 · iOS Requires iOS 11.0 or later. Mac: Requires macOS 11.0 or later and a Mac with Apple M1 chip or later. Apple Vision: Requires visionOS 1.0 or ...

Can you get the Samsung Bixby Vision on iPhone?

Samsung's Bixby Vision is not available on iPhone and it is unlikely Samsung will ever consider porting it to the iPhone for a couple of reasons ...

siri vision

I thought iOS was being updated to allow requesting Siri to begin a screen recording or take a screenshot?

如何開啟並使用Bixby Vision?

1 您可以透過以下方式開啟Bixby Vision 在相機選擇自動模式,然後輕觸Bixby Vision 圖示 · 2 第一次使用Bixby Vision 前,您必須先登入三星帳號 · 3 詳讀條款 ...


新版Bixby不認得QRcode - S10+相機轉到Bixby vision以後想掃QRcode 可是都沒有反應呢?會變成搜尋一堆QRcode圖片請問是還要轉到什麼選項嗎?

Bixby的威力, iPhone一定做不到

Bixby的威力, iPhone一定做不到. 647 views · 4 months ago ...more. Appztalk. 30.3K. Subscribe. 20. Share. Save.

How can I use Bixby on an iPhone?

Bixby vision is used to get more info of the subject under your camera lens. So if you show a popular place, bixby vision should tell you the ...

Some Apple iOS 17 accessibility features are inspired by Samsung

Users can simply point the iPhone's camera to an object or text they are looking at, and the Detection Mode will read that text and say it loud.

How to use Bixby Vision?

【一周運勢】 喜結良緣,與時俱進。甜蜜溫馨的感情成為你向上的動力,工作起來特別賣力,會得到眾人的認同。 --- 一周運勢僅供參考,切勿過度迷信。


BixbyVision查看手機鏡頭畫面,以在需要時提供協助。只要點按取景器中的BixbyVision圖標,即可翻譯、擷取文本、搜尋類似圖像及資訊.,評分4.4(2,324)·免費·iOSRequiresiOS11.0orlater.Mac:RequiresmacOS11.0orlaterandaMacwithAppleM1chiporlater.AppleVision:RequiresvisionOS1.0or ...,Samsung'sBixbyVisionisnotavailableoniPhoneanditisunlikelySamsungwilleverconsiderportingittotheiPhoneforacoupleofreasons ...,Ithoug...